March 19, 2024 11:30am
Please RSVP as soon as possible. Because we are attending the program that is set aside for schools, Emily Barton is reserving the tickets together. Register through Pike using the link below, and Emily will contact you to figure out how many tickets you and your family need.
Colorado Symphony's Mini Música performance of "The Ugly Duckling.” Mini Música is a bilingual, interactive concert program that appears in multiple venues around the metro area annually. Featuring a 16-piece orchestra and a narrator who will incorporate storytelling, singing and dance in both English and Spanish, this program is designed to introduce young children to the instruments of the orchestra through a musical telling of a children’s story. This year’s theme is The Ugly Duckling and concert attendees will receive a complimentary bilingual storybook at the door. Read more about this program on Compass.Broomfield.org.